Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 13

 Teachers are always having to use design activities in the classroom . Teachers have to design lesson plans and also use it to give students visual aids to help them understand topics. There are many ways that teachers act as designers in the classroom. They also use simulations in the classroom like science teachers use this to help students build mental models of how the natural world works. There are many ways teachers act as designers in the classroom.

  The model car design gives students a visual aid on how science impacts the way a model car can go places and what factors make the car go further. This particular program is great for students in science it gives the students a visual aid and they can see the results of what factors can come into play. The model car design program is a great program for students and can be a great teaching tool.

  Digital story telling is also a great tool for students to learn to use their creative skills to create a storyboard on paper. Students are able to get creative in the way they learn they can use a camera to shoot a video and then edit it using some kind of software.This program would be a great tool for students in the classroom and i think it wouls really trigger them to want to write more.

   Math can be a very hard subject for many students. I personally strugled in math all through out school it was one of the hardest subjects for me. Although there are many ways that math can be made easier for students the use of a calculator can be very benificial for the students. Using a calculator can help students as a visual and mental iad they can use it to help with problems by using formulas to figure problems. math is hard but there are many ways for teachers to make the learning process easier for students one of witch is by using calculators.

  T.V. can be a great learning tool for the classroom. T.v gives students a visual aid for learning some students can get alot out of this and some have to have a more hands on aproach. There are many learning programs on tv lets take for instance Dora the Explorer this is a cartoon for kids that helps kids learn spanish and could be a great tool for students trying to learn spanish at the entry level. Clearly t.v can be a great tool for learning in the classroom.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technologies. Upper Saddle River, New Jersy: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 11 blog

 I think the three priciples that are the most usefull are active, critical learning priciple, the practice priciple and the discovery principle. Practice priciple states that "learners gets lots and lots of practice in a context where the practice is not boring". This means to me that students get repetion witch can be very good for the learning process. Also the discovery principle states that" Overt telling is kept to a well-thought-out-minimum, allowing ample opportunity for the learner to experiment and make discoveries". This is good for students to learn new things on their own. And the active, critical learning principle states that"All aspects of the learning envirioment are set up to encourage active and not critical, not passive, learning". These three priciple are very good for students to learn practice learning and discover new ways to learn.
            Simulation's are very helpful tool in the classroom there many things that you can do with them in the classroom that the students can benefit from. There many different prorams and websites that you can go to and build your own simulation or just learn from one that is already set up. Student that gain knowledge from simulation techniques are getting an advantage in whatever material they are going over, becouse you get a more visual aspect of it and this makes it easy to understand. Clearly simulations are very helpul tool for the classroom.
            After all that being said I think that the three priciples I thought where the most usefull in the classroom are very helpful to students and the way they learn. Also simulations are very important tool in the classroom that should be used more often. In conclusion there are many different ways to teach a classroom the priciples and simulations are great tools to help in the classroom.

Jonassen, D., Howland , J. , Marra, R.M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningfull Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersy : Pearson Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 7 PowerPoint

   There are many writing activities that students will have to encounter in their student lifes. One way I have found to be in my most benefit is creating outlines using concept maps to help organize and come up with ideas for topics. There are many ways to go about doing this there are also programs on the computer called semantic networking tools these give you a more visual and verbal for developing concept maps. Clearly using concept maps for wrighting activities is very helpfull in the classroom.
   PowerPoint is a vital tool in the classroom there are so many different things that you can do with this program in a classroom setting. Although powerpoint can be very usefull in presenting ideas to a classroom it is vital that we do not let this program do the presenting for us. Sometimes people put to many vdeos and effects into their powerpoints that it can take away from the person presenting the presentation. There are a few guidlines we can stick with to keep this from happening one of witch is to just use the same font through out the presentation and too not use so many visual aids and also keeping the presentation short so your audiance does not loose interest.
   There are many writing activitie tools that we can benefit from as teachers and students. We have tools that help us gather information, organize and also help in presentation. Clearly using these programs and aids can help us in the classroom.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Friday, October 8, 2010


   There are many things that you can do with a P D A (personal digital assistant) it can be used for personal use buisiness and also in the classroom. With the PDA you can access the internet keep schedules keep up with a calender there are many different ways they can be used. Also there are  Global Positioning Systems that can be used witch i think would be great for younger students that might be lost and would be easily found due to the GPS. Teachers can use these hand held devices to do things such as keep up with class scheduling and as calenders to keep up with assignments and test. Clearly PDA's are a very good tool for teachers and students in the classroom.
   Online surveys are a great reasource for students to use in the classroom the students can look up data for a class project or for presenting a lecture. Online surveys give you good facts and information on a certain topic that you are reasearching. Also they can give students good feedback on topics that they are reasearching , they can go out and find out what other people are thinking about there same topic.I think one good rule for students writing surveys is that they are able to find info for subjects they are intersted in and also be able to use that and take it to the teacher to learn more about it in the classroom. There are many good online surveys out there for everyone to access and should be used as a viable reasouce exspeacially in the classroom.
  Clearly there are great things that can come from using PDA's in the classroom they are a great tool for not only the teachers but the students as well. Online surveys give you good feedback on certain topics that you may be reasearching and are a great reasource for students.

  Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., & Crismond , D. (2008) Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersy : Pearson Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


  Ther are many things that can be benifitted from using this program. The Inspiration video caught my interist because it allowed the students to use the technology to brainstorm and show their idea's and how they are similar. Inspiration is basically the same as powerpoint you can just throw your ideas out there and catagorize them and come up with your outline for whatever project you are working on. With that being said you could really benefit from this program by using it in the classroom for presenting ideas for a paper or allowing the students to come up with there own ideas. This tool really allows the students to brainstorm and really open up, and see how creative they can be, sky is the limit. Clearly the inspiration program van be a very important  tool  in all levels of education

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., marra, R. M., & Crismond, D. (2008) . Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, new  Jersy : Pearson Prentice Hall.

Friday, September 24, 2010


  I personally like the idea of using spreadsheets I think it is a great tool for teachers and they should take advantage of it. I think that using spreadsheet can be very usefull in the class room for instance you could use it to take roll keep up with grades and also make assignments. I would use spreadsheets in the class room I dont know how much I could use it right now not knowing a whole lot about it , but am looking forward to learning. The reason I think using spreadsheets over a calculator is better because you dont have to type in the formula for every problem you can just scroll down. The functions of spreadsheets are very usefull there are  many things you can do with it and it is a great tool for the class room.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 2 blog

1). Blogs are ok, I like that you can post a public blog about your assignment and you can see someone's opinion and you can also see their opinions and questions.
2). I think blogging could be useful cause you can ask questions or answer questions when you need to because your only in the classroom for a certain time and you always have questions later.
3). At some point I could see where it would be a waste of time but if you need it, it is there for your access.
4). Wikis would be a good idea, students could do it together and learn the content at the same time.

About me

Hi, my name is Cory Farrell I am 24 years old and I have been married for two years to my wife Jami and we have a 5month old son named Nolan. I am working towards a major in history and becoming a baseball coach. I love hunting, fishing, and spending time with my family. I was born in Mt. Pleasant and moved to Athens, Tx and lived there for most of my life, I played baseball at PJC on a 2 years scholarship where I met my wife, I have lived in Paris now for the past 2 years.