Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 13

 Teachers are always having to use design activities in the classroom . Teachers have to design lesson plans and also use it to give students visual aids to help them understand topics. There are many ways that teachers act as designers in the classroom. They also use simulations in the classroom like science teachers use this to help students build mental models of how the natural world works. There are many ways teachers act as designers in the classroom.

  The model car design gives students a visual aid on how science impacts the way a model car can go places and what factors make the car go further. This particular program is great for students in science it gives the students a visual aid and they can see the results of what factors can come into play. The model car design program is a great program for students and can be a great teaching tool.

  Digital story telling is also a great tool for students to learn to use their creative skills to create a storyboard on paper. Students are able to get creative in the way they learn they can use a camera to shoot a video and then edit it using some kind of software.This program would be a great tool for students in the classroom and i think it wouls really trigger them to want to write more.

   Math can be a very hard subject for many students. I personally strugled in math all through out school it was one of the hardest subjects for me. Although there are many ways that math can be made easier for students the use of a calculator can be very benificial for the students. Using a calculator can help students as a visual and mental iad they can use it to help with problems by using formulas to figure problems. math is hard but there are many ways for teachers to make the learning process easier for students one of witch is by using calculators.

  T.V. can be a great learning tool for the classroom. T.v gives students a visual aid for learning some students can get alot out of this and some have to have a more hands on aproach. There are many learning programs on tv lets take for instance Dora the Explorer this is a cartoon for kids that helps kids learn spanish and could be a great tool for students trying to learn spanish at the entry level. Clearly t.v can be a great tool for learning in the classroom.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technologies. Upper Saddle River, New Jersy: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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