Wednesday, September 29, 2010


  Ther are many things that can be benifitted from using this program. The Inspiration video caught my interist because it allowed the students to use the technology to brainstorm and show their idea's and how they are similar. Inspiration is basically the same as powerpoint you can just throw your ideas out there and catagorize them and come up with your outline for whatever project you are working on. With that being said you could really benefit from this program by using it in the classroom for presenting ideas for a paper or allowing the students to come up with there own ideas. This tool really allows the students to brainstorm and really open up, and see how creative they can be, sky is the limit. Clearly the inspiration program van be a very important  tool  in all levels of education

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., marra, R. M., & Crismond, D. (2008) . Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, new  Jersy : Pearson Prentice Hall.

Friday, September 24, 2010


  I personally like the idea of using spreadsheets I think it is a great tool for teachers and they should take advantage of it. I think that using spreadsheet can be very usefull in the class room for instance you could use it to take roll keep up with grades and also make assignments. I would use spreadsheets in the class room I dont know how much I could use it right now not knowing a whole lot about it , but am looking forward to learning. The reason I think using spreadsheets over a calculator is better because you dont have to type in the formula for every problem you can just scroll down. The functions of spreadsheets are very usefull there are  many things you can do with it and it is a great tool for the class room.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 2 blog

1). Blogs are ok, I like that you can post a public blog about your assignment and you can see someone's opinion and you can also see their opinions and questions.
2). I think blogging could be useful cause you can ask questions or answer questions when you need to because your only in the classroom for a certain time and you always have questions later.
3). At some point I could see where it would be a waste of time but if you need it, it is there for your access.
4). Wikis would be a good idea, students could do it together and learn the content at the same time.

About me

Hi, my name is Cory Farrell I am 24 years old and I have been married for two years to my wife Jami and we have a 5month old son named Nolan. I am working towards a major in history and becoming a baseball coach. I love hunting, fishing, and spending time with my family. I was born in Mt. Pleasant and moved to Athens, Tx and lived there for most of my life, I played baseball at PJC on a 2 years scholarship where I met my wife, I have lived in Paris now for the past 2 years.